6K Version History


  • One command was added to the firmware in this version.  This command causes the phone line, if engaged, to go on-hook momentarily.  This is similar to someone pressing and releasing the hookswitch button on a telephone.
    • ​Hook flash (PW) 63 16 1 *


  • Upgrading to V2.0 requires replacement of the RAM IC and some small changes to the board.
  • The new hardware contains a battery-operated Real Time Clock which does not lose time or date when power is removed. Because of this new hardware, the command for setting the clock and calendar is changed. A Daylight Savings command is introduced.
  • A 100-setpoint Scheduler feature is included. The Scheduler allows perpetual "second Saturday of the month"-type programming, so specific dates need not be looked up and entered. It also allows "Don't Care" (wild card) entries for programming "every month", "every day", "every hour", and "every minute".
  • New "path" commands allow the programmer to choose which receiver may drive the transmitter. Each receiver has its own Start-of-Activity and Post-Activity macros.
  • An "antikerchunker" feature with programmable key-up delay and re-arm delay is introduced.
  • DTMF Long Tones are supported including LiTZ. DTMF muting can be enabled or disabled on each receiver-to-transmitter path. The priority of the phone line and the receivers to the DTMF decoder is programmable. The decoder can also scan these devices.
  • The control operator can monitor the repeater and talk-out over the repeater from the phone line..
  • Macro size is increased from 54 to 100 characters. The number of macros is increased from 200 to 280.
  • Clock and Calendar Run-Time Variables are added.

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