DR1X/DR2X Interface Document Updated
Bob DeMattia, K1IW has updated his DR1X/DR2X interface document. It is available on the 7330 to Yaesu web page.
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Bob DeMattia, K1IW has updated his DR1X/DR2X interface document. It is available on the 7330 to Yaesu web page.
7330 Firmware Release 1.9 is available for download at:
The Release Notes have a complete list of New Features, Fixes and Changes to the Manual. Here's a summary of the new features.
Mike Morris is placing an order for custom words for the S-COM 7330. (The words also work on the S-COM 7K DAB Speech Board.) Mike has offered to include custom words for other 7330 owners. These words will be recorded by the original talent that did the 7330 Standard Speech Library.
To add words to the order, review Mike's list to see if the word you want is already on the list:
See all DR-2X and DR-1X interface documentation here: http://www.scomcontrollers.com/yaesudr1x
[Update 11/18/2017] At S-COM, we've been testing the DR-2X with the S-COM 7330 repeater controllers. The DR-2X that I have has the external controller modification and the latest firmware.
Here's the two configurations that I have tested and work well:
Thanks for all the comments on my first post. Your feedback has been a big help in figuring out what features should be included in a new controller. Keep the ideas coming!
The worldwide supply chain shortage in integrated circuits has made it very difficult for most manufacturers to keep up with demand for products. Because of this shortage, we are forced to discontinue production of the 7330. It was a very good run (we've been producing them since 2007). We just can't buy the parts.
But we're still here. We're available for support of all S-COM products, Dave is working on firmware updates for the 7330, and there's also a new controller in the works. Stay tuned for more news from S-COM.
S-COM has not been directly affected by the COVID virus -- we're all healthy -- but we have been affected by supply chain issues regarding the availability of certain components used in our products. This is something that is affecting all manufacturers, even the car companies, because virtually all electronic components are now manufactured outside the United States. Be sure to contact us for product availability.
I've lately had an itch to write posts to a blog describing what's on my workbench to do with repeater controllers and repeater site infrastructure -- if I can tear myself away from the workbench long enough to write it ;-) I'll try to keep my blog posts on-topic and a quick read.
So, where to start.
Bob DeMattia, K1IW has contributed an article on interfacing a DR-1X and DR-2X to the 7330. This is the solution used to deploy these multimode repeaters across his club's network.
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