7330 Firmware Upgrades

Identifying the Release Installed in your Controller

Look up your firmware version in the table to determine the release that you have installed in your controller.


Latest Full Firmware and Documentation Release 1.9

  (12 May 2024):

 Complete Release

Previous Full Firmware and Documentation Release 1.8b

  (5 October 2019):

 Complete Release

Previous Full Firmware and Documentation Release 1.7c

  (23 August 2017):

 Complete Release

Previous Full Firmware and Documentation Release 1.6

  (17 April 2016):

 Complete Release

  • Speech Library Update: SpLibEng_1.3.bin (.bin, 8MB, updated 2/17/2017, installs in location LIB.)
    • Fix pronunciation of "http : / / www"
    • Improve the sound of "S".  There have been several reports of it sounding like "F".

Previous Full Firmware and Documentation Release 1.5a
  (16 July 2014, Updated 8/2/2015):

 Complete Release

  • Comparison of Changes of Files from Release 1.4 to Release 1.5
  • 7330 Firmware Release V1.5b (.zip, 15.1MB, includes updated documentation)
    • This a complete release of firmware, documentation, and tools for the 7330.
    • Includes Interim Release updated files listed below.
  • Interim Release: ScomConfigUtil_1.1.0.zip (.zip, 70KB, updated 11/16/2014)
    • This is an update to the S-COM Configuration Utility included on your CD and in the .zip file above.
    • Fixed a defect in the interpretation of a Scheduler Setpoint that contains a Day Code of 40 or greater.
  • Interim Release: SBOOT_1.4.2.bin (.bin, 24KB, updated 8/2/2015)
    • This is an update to the SBOOT firmware included on your CD and in the .zip file above.
    • This version fixes a defect in the Configuration File Restore operation.  If your programming erases a default message (e.g. message number 0110/0210/0310, Initial ID set to "ID" in CW) and leaves it erased during operation, the current version of SBOOT will restore the default messages as well as restoring your saved configuration.

  Individual Files

Previous Full Firmware and Documentation Release 1.4 (26 January 2013):

 Complete Release

  • Comparison of Changes from Release 1.3+Interim to Release 1.4
  • 7330 Firmware Release V1.4 (.zip, 14.7MB, includes updated documentation)
    • This a complete release of firmware, documentation, and tools for the 7330 minus the interim file that can be downloaded separately.
  • Interim Release: 7330_3.3.3.bin (.bin, 37KB, updated 3/31/2013, installs in location SCOM_A.)
    • This is an update to 7330_3.3.1.bin contained in the .zip file.
    • The Macro Rename command did not work properly when executed within a macro.  Fixed.
    • The CTCSS Encoder was enhanced so that the encoder can be enabled during the Anti-Kerchunk Hangtime.  A Software Switch was added to enable this feature.  (PW) 63 0t020 x *
    • The CTCSS Encoder Tone Table (page 13-6) was enhanced with a 65th tone.  150.0 Hz, used by NASA and the military, was added as tone number 64.

Previous Full Firmware and Documentation Release 1.3 (9 September 2009)

  • 7330 Firmware Release V1.3 (.zip, 12.2MB, includes updated documentation)
  • Interim Release: 7330_3.2.2.bin (.bin, 36KB, updated 1/4/2011, installs in location SCOM_A.)
    • Fixes an issue with creating macros from within macros when you have more than 77 macros.
    • Fixes an issue with the Scheduler (previously released in version 3.2.1).
  • Speech Library Update: SpLibEng_1.2.bin (.bin, 8MB, updated 5/8/2011, installs in location LIB.)
    • Shortens the words in the library by trimming ~5% of quiet from each word. Overall, this makes sequences of words sound faster.
    • Increases amplitude of all words to full scale and fixes "Joaquin" pronunciation (previously released in SpLibEng_1.1).

Previous Full Firmware and Documentation Release 1.2

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