7K Version History

V2.03 -- Release June 15, 1998

V2.02B -- Release May 1998

  • Fixed: the commands to adjust the hours and seconds of the clock (MPW 48 x *, Adjust Daylight Savings Time and Adjust Seconds) did not work for all customers.
  • Fixed: the All-Receiver-Inactive Event Macro is not executed following the timeout of the repeater.
  • Fixed: the Return-From-Timeout Event Macro is not executed when the repeater times out and a Timer Reset Command is entered.
  • Fixed: the Autopatch Count Message Run-Time Variable (Male Voice) does not properly report the autopatch count. The CW version works properly.
  • Fixed: if the Active-to-Inactive Before Unkey Delay Event Macro executes and a user keys up before the Unkey Delay expires, the Inactive-To-Active Event Macro does not execute.
  • Fixed: intermittent popping noises or dropouts are heard between message elements, eg. tones and speech, when CTCSS is controlled by the PTT Active/Inactive Event Macros.
  • Fixed: the Unassign User Timer Event Macro command (MPW 49 (timer) 02 *) doesn't work.
  • Fixed: miscellaneous typos in the V2.02 Manual Update.
  • Enhancement: Increase the Tx1 Unkey Delay maximum value to 5.0 seconds.
  • The firmware now identifies itself as V2.02B. You can recall the version in V2.02 and V2.02B by entering the command MPW 15 9899* in voice or MPW 15 9898* in CW.

V2.02 -- Release July 1997

  • Receivers: Path Access (COR and CTCSS) on all receivers to Tx1 and Tx2
  • Receivers: Separate Courtesy Messages on all receivers to Tx1
  • Receivers: Path Access: new mode of Always
  • Transmitters: Event Macros on PTT of Tx1 and Tx2 (Active, In-Active Before Unkey Delay, In-Active)
  • Transmitters: Programmable Tx1 Unkey Delay
  • Transmitters: Improved control for CTCSS encoders
  • Message Run-Time Variable: Software Version
  • Message Run-Time Variable: Call Count
  • Message Control Character: Execute Macro (Sync Messages with Commands)
  • Repeater: Event Macros: Any-Receiver-Active, All-Receivers-Inactive, Courtesy Message, Timeout, Return-from-Timeout
  • Repeater: Impolite ID Message
  • Repeater: Programmable Tail Messages for Initial ID and Normal ID for Tx1
  • Repeater: Programmable ID Pending Interval for Tx1 (30-180 seconds)
  • Autopatch: Hookflash
  • Autopatch: Go Off-Hook and Go Off-Hook Ignore Busy Input
  • Autopatch: Event Macro on Incoming Ring
  • Autopatch: Dump, Busy, Off, Reject, Error, and No Redial Number Messages
  • Autopatch: Control Line Dump Macro (incoming calls) separate from Autopatch Dump Macro (outgoing calls)
  • Autopatch: Dialing Prefix: all DTMF digits plus 1-, 2-, 5-, and 10-second pauses and dial mode switching
  • Autopatch: Software Switch, Allow ID During Patch
  • Autopatch: Programmable "B" (Pause) Digit Time
  • Autopatch: Software Switch, Require Dump Before Next Call
  • Autopatch: Increased Accept/Reject Table Size, now 40 entries each
  • Autopatch: 1-800 Call Type now also accepts 1-888
  • Autopatch: New Call Type: 10-digit, xxx-xxx-xxxx
  • DTMF: Path Access (COR and CTCSS) to all DTMF Decoders
  • Remote Base: Abbreviated Parameter Readback
  • Remote Base: Programmable Off Message
  • Clock Calendar: Adjust Clock "Fall Back" optional inhibit for 61 minutes
  • Clock Calendar: Add/Subtract Seconds on Clock, optional 2-minute inhibit on subtract
  • Clock Calendar: Reset Clock Seconds
  • Clock Calendar: Message Run-Time Variable: Seconds in Speech or CW
  • Scheduler: Clear a Range of Scheduler Setpoints
  • Scheduler: Fifth Week Day Codes
  • Scheduler: Improved Clock Adjustment Commands for use with Scheduler
  • Miscellaneous: 10 User Timers: Stop, Start(Retrigger), Start (One-Shot), Set Time, Set Event Macro
  • Miscellaneous: Set/Clear a range of Control Operator Priviledge Levels
  • The firmware now identifies itself as V2.02. You can recall the version in V2.02 by entering the command MPW 15 9899* in voice or MPW 15 9898* in CW.

V2.01 -- Release July 1995

  • Support added for the Doug Hall RBI-1 Remote Base Interface.
  • A command to read the contents of macros in speech is introduced.


  • Upgrading to V2.0, or newer, requires replacement of the RAM IC and some small changes to the board.
  • The new hardware contains a battery-operated Real Time Clock which does not lose time or date when power is removed. Because of this new hardware, the command for setting the clock and calendar is changed. A Daylight Savings command is introduced.
  • V2.0 is similar to V1.17 except for the modification of the timekeeping drivers for the new hardware.


  • A scheduler enable/disable command is added.
  • A programmable delay on Transmitter 2 Unkey is added.


  • An Antikerchunker with programmable key-up delay and re-arm delay is introduced.
  • Timeout Timer operation is improved, including the addition of a 1-second "anti-flutter" delay upon timeout.


  • Each of the three receivers now has its own Start-of-Activity and Post-Activity Macros. There are separate timers for the three Post-Activity Macros.
  • Software driver for the new front panel LED Status Display is introduced.


  • Commands are introduced that allow a control operator on the phone to monitor the repeater and to talk out over the repeater.


  • Macro sized is increased from 80 to 100 characters.
  • A command is added to enable or disable Transmitter 2.
  • Commands added to delete Transmitter 1 and 2 unkey delay.
  • A command is added to key Transmitter 2 for a programmable amount of time. A similar previous command for Transmitter 1 is modified.
  • A macro may be executed from the phone line answer event.
  • New commands allow the 7K to operate as a half-duplex base station controller.
  • DTMF Long Tones are supported, including LiTZ: Each of the 16 DTMF characters has an associated macro that executes when the digit is held longer than 3.0 seconds.
  • DTMF Muting can be enabled or disabled on each receiver-to-transmitter path.
  • Commands entered on Receiver 2 may be executed upon COR drop, similarly to Receivers 1 and 3. The previously existing commands are modified.
  • Automatic command execution on Interdigit Timer is introduced.
  • The ability to disconnect the DTMF decoder from a receiver after 5 seconds of no DTMF is introduced.
  • The priority of the phone line and Receivers 1, 2, and 3 to the DTMF decoder is programmable. These devices may also be scanned.


  • Scheduler is introduced with 100 setpoint capacity. Allows perpetual "second Saturday of the month"-type programming so specific dates need not be looked up and entered. Allows "Don't Care" (wild card) entries for programming "every month", "every day", "every hour", and "every minute".


  • New clock and calendar software is introduced. "Run-time Variables" send time and date in CW and
  • synthesized speech (SSM required).


  • The number of macros is increased from 200 to 280, and the size of each macro is increased from 54 to 80 characters. (The size is increased again in v1.13).
  • Message Routing Codes now allow a choice of either mixing the message with receiver audio, or sending the message "in the clear" (muting receiver audio, if present). Examples: A CW ID should be mixed with receiver audio, but a tone page should be transmitted without any other audio present.


  • "Direct Access " autopatch command is added. If enabled, users can dial a phone number without an Autopatch Password.


  • DTMF Paging is added. All 16 DTMF characters can be sent at various durations with programmable gaps between them.
  • Message routing Codes are improved.


  • New "path" commands allow the programmer to choose which receivers may drive the transmitters. Since each path has a separate command, any receiver can drive either transmitter (or both). If more than one receiver becomes active at a time, a priority scheme is used: Receiver 1 is top priority, followed by Receiver 2, then Receiver 3.
  • A separate ID'er for Transmitter 2 now exists.
  • Message "Routing Codes" are introduced, allowing the programmer to choose the destination(s) of messages. The destination devices are Transmitter 1, Transmitter 2, and the phone line.
  • Macro size is increased.

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