A U.S. Manufacturer of Repeater and Interoperability Controllers and Accessories

1.sea 2.noon 3.snow

Q: How do I use a tail message to report a power failure?

Let's say we want a message to be appended to the Repeater Initial and Normal ID Messages while the repeater is operating on battery power.  We have wired our Logic Input #4 to detect a power failure.  

We program User Message #1 with the speech we want to hear, like this (see page 6-63):

; Say "power fail thirteen point two volts" or whatever the actual voltage is
99 33 0015 9960 0148 0766 9852 01 00 9960 0150 *

You can test this message with this command:

99 34 0015 *

Q: I have multiple linked controllers. How can I direct DTMF commands to only one?

The most common way to execute a macro on only one controller is to use different macro names for each site.  This way the macro names don't collide when DTMF is decoded by multiple controllers. 

For example, you can have control macros to enable and disable transmitters.  You could make the first two digits of the macro name unique and keep the last two digits the same.  So the Enable Transmitter macro could be named 8801 on one controller and 7701 on another.  The Disable Transmitter macro could be named 8800 on one controller and 7700 on another.

Bob's Blog #15: Plectron Encoding with the 7330

A benefit of the 7330’s highly flexible design is its ability to generate tones in old or obsolete formats, allowing it to breathe new life into radio systems that may otherwise have to undergo expensive upgrades. For example, a customer recently needed a tone encoder for a legacy Plectron paging system. Here’s what we did and how you can program Plectron tone page macros into your Release 1.8 or newer 7330.


Bob's Blog #14: Connector Breakout Boards

For repeater builders who don’t enjoy soldering wires to the small solder cups on D-subminiature cable connectors, there’s a simple solution: breakout boards, also known as terminal boards.

 A breakout board lets you connect wires to a D-sub via convenient screw terminals. Boards are available with male or female DE-9, DE-15, DA-15, and DB-25 connectors, and some come with plastic enclosures.

Bob's Blog #12: Long Tone Zero (LiTZ)

S-COM’s 6K, 7K, and 7330 support a feature known as Long Tone Zero, or LiTZ. If you’re not familiar with it, read on!

LiTZ is a system for requesting aid during an emergency. It’s simple: Transmit a DTMF “0” character for at least 3 seconds and then announce your emergency. Nearly all modern mobiles and handhelds have DTMF keypads, so no additional hardware is needed by the user.

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